Soksabike Responding to The Current Travel Situation during The COVID-19
/Soksabike, Battambang
The tourism industry is facing a very challenging time due to the global spread of COVID-19. The World Health Organization (WHO) has released its statement and recommendation for global action and has declared the situation a pandemic. To visit WHO recommendations click here
The Cambodian government is working on controlling the outbreak and at the time of writing they have found 33 cases (March 18th, 2020). The authorities have also released some statements and recommendations to combat the outbreak of COVID-19 in Cambodia as well.
Our Responsibility
The Community: Community is a priority at Soksabike and we value their input and decision very much. Families are now closing their homes and small businesses to protect their families, and there is increasing concern about exposure to the virus. Based on recommendations from the WHO and discussions with our community, we have decided to temporarily stop our tour operation and will begin operating when the situation improves.
Our Team: Since Soksabike booking has temporarily stopped and we have closed our office, our office staff are currently working from home. Soksabike still pays our guides and office staff a monthly salary during this time. Like many other businesses, Soksabike is facing a challenging time while tourism is down, but we are exploring the best ways to support student guides who earn income from day tour fees whilst we do not have any bookings
Visitors: Based on the current travel restrictions in place around the world, we believe now is not the best time to travel to Cambodia. We hope the global situation will return to normal and tourism will come back. Until then, please stay healthy and visit Cambodia at another time.
We hope the tourism situation will be back to normal soon. To contact us you can email us at You can also follow our Facebook Page or Instagram to get updated and when we reopen.